"She started her day with a simple prayer, 'Lord, lead the way.' Then she stepped out the door with a heart full of courage."
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Burgers, Friends, and a Beautiful Wedding
You know the person at weddings who cries... a ridiculous amount? Well, that used to be me. I think it stopped when I got married. That sounds bad, but it's totally true. I would cry at weddings on TV, weddings of people I barely knew... even weddings of those I had never met. Something about them just made me cry- alot. At a friends wedding, just 3 weeks before ours, I was a bridesmaid and cried the entire time, beginning with the rehearsal the night before. Luckily Katie cried too. And of course, no one cared if we cried- they were there for the bride and groom. So, I was terrified when we got married that I would make a fool of myself during the ceremony. I just knew that I was going to cry all through the vows. But the opposite was true- I couldn't stop smiling. There was no room for tears. Chris cried- but he doesn't like to talk about it. Since our wedding we have been blessed to watch two couples get married and I didn't cry at all. It was the weirdest thing. Maybe because I know how happy they are? But I always cried because I was happy for them. Who knows. At the wedding we went to this past weekend we got to watch a great friends of ours get married. Zack and I have known each other for years and have shared lots of memories. I only recently met his beautiful bride, Cris. She is wonderful though. They are both very deserving. One confession on the crying that I have to make, is that although I didn't cry at the wedding, I cried two times the week before when I heard love songs on the radio. I don't know if I was just tired, but I felt pathetic. Who cried the week before a wedding- other than the bride and parents? I guess close friends maybe, but geez! I didn't think I would be emotional. the wedding was beautiful and so much fun! Zack and Cris are a fabulous couple and I can't wait to see what all God does through their relationship!
Chris and me at the wedding.
Chris, me, and the groom (Zack)

Other than the wedding, we were able to visit with all sorts of people! We left West Lafayette around 4 on Friday and got to Little Rock around 2 am. The drive was good, except for a small traffic jam... that left me hitting the steering wheel in frustration. :) Saturday morning we were able to go to the farmers market with my parents and visit. When we got there, we got out of the car and immediately saw Will (Chris's friend from college) and before we left we also ran into quite a few of my sorority sisters! It was so great seeing everyone! Then, we met a few friends at the Middaugh's house for burgers and fries! We were so blessed to see everyone- including a few that made the trip from Jonesboro just to see us breifly.It was good to catch-up with friends who are such an important part of our lives! We got to see people from church at the wedding, which was fun! And of course, the wedding was a blast anyways! Sunday we got to see some of Chris's family at lunch and then visit with my family and grandma before heading back home. It was such a refreshing weekend! I didn't realize how much I missed everyone- which of course makes it hard to leave. We were happy to get back home early this morning. We couldn't have bee more blessed with such a great weekend.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Gray Hairs, Forgotten Days, and the Office
Here are a few pictures of the office after we painted it. It was suppose to be a pretty eaasy task: however, once we peeled the 'baby' wallpaper off the yellow wall, we realized it was going to be more difficult than we thought. The paint under the wallpaper peeled, forcing us to have to sand the wall before we could prime it, and then apply two coats of paint. It was a headache- but we love the color now. And Chris finally has a 'fish' room.

On the other side of the fish there is a poster of Arkansas fish...

Aside from painting, apparantly gray hairs come with teaching. I always hoped I had my dads hair, since he is just now turning gray... but I am afraid (though not for sure) that I may have inherited my moms hair- which means, I will go gray before 30. I also had to convince myself that this past Monday actually happened. I was driving home on Tuesday and I suddenly had no idea what day it was. I tried to remember what I did the day before, and all I could remember was church- so I thought it was Monday. It wasn't until the next day at school when someone informed me it was Wednesday, not Tuesday, that I realized I was a day off. I still don't remember Monday happening at all...
This weekend we are heading home! I am so excited! A good friend is getting married- and we couldn't miss it. We hoped to fly, but it's too expensive. So, it will be a long Friday and Sunday night as we drive to and from. But we can't wait!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
We attended our first Purdue football game this weekend. Thanks to a fellow teacher who was not using his season passes! It was a blast, and the weather was perfect. It's no SEC football, but it will due. :)

Dixie's playdate with Chloe...

Friends of ours from church, Ben and Jessica, have the absolute cutest dog (besides Dixie). So, when they were coming over for dinner and suggested bringing Chloe, we were super excited! Dixie hasn't really played with another do since we left Little Rock, so we thought this would be perfect.
Chloe is a 3 month old Goldendoodle, and is FULL of energy. Dixie is 3 now, and has never been full of energy, so the combination was hilarious. Not to mention, Chloe is quite a bit bigger than Dixie. Chloe had Dixie running fearfully around the yeard within minutes. Eventually Dixie realized that Chloe wasn't going to eat her, and so, she played... a lot.
Other than football and cooking out, we went bike riding, ran errands, did homework, watcher NCIS, and went to 'Mosey Down Mainstreet'- a monthly event in West Lafayette.
It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend. And best of all, I am all caught up on grading. Until tomorrow anyway.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Can you say 'Yum'?

So, I love all things unhealthy. I am not proud of this, but it's the truth. We saw these made on the food network (Sandra's Money Saving Meals) and thought they looked amazing! We were right. Here's the recipe.
Mini Apple Spiced Glazed Donuts
You need:
1 (7.5 ounce) can of biscuits -Don't use the flaky ones... home style works best.
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
2 Tbl. Apple Juice
3 cups Canola Oil
Place the biscuits on a flat surface- we used a baking sheet.
Using a bottle cap, create a hole in the center of each biscuit. The removed hole becomes a donut hole.
Let the biscuits sit for a few minutes, until they reach room temperature.
Glaze: In a mixing bowl, mix the powdered sugar, apple juice, and pumpkin spice.
Heat the oil in a medium pan. Letting it reach 350 degrees.
Fry the doughnuts 3 at a time, for one minute on each side.
Place the doughnuts on paper towels to soak up some oil. While the donuts are still warm, dip one side if the donut into the glaze.
Cook the donut holes the same way the donuts are cooked.
Let the glaze sit for about 5 minutes.
Super easy, Super yummy!
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