Friday, September 24, 2010


Don't let the title scare you away. By no means is this about who you should vote for, political issues, why you should vote, etc. That's not really my style; but this my friends, is hilarious.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well, gee. It's been awhile.

I have started many posts, but have not felt any of them to be interesting enough to post. Quite frankly, this one probably shouldn't make the cut- but it's an update.

The running is going great. Don't get me wrong- I complain about having to run, sometimes I even dread it all day, but I really do love it once I am running. It has become my outlet. My way to get frustrations from the day out of my system so I can begin fresh the next day. And let me tell you- it works. I am so thankful God has shown me this and has allowed me to experience the difference it has made in me!

Chris and I are up to 10 miles about once a week. I total about 23 miles a week- on a good week. We have plateaued in distance since the race is still 8 weeks away. I have no doubt we could run the half marathon this weekend if we needed to. It is such a great feeling to be able to say that, because when we started I really thought I would be walking much of the way. Now, unless something happens, I know I am going to RUN across the finish line! Praise be to God for keeping us safe so far and teaching us how to keep going!

School is fabulous. It definitely has it's ups and downs but I really do enjoy my job. This year brings challenges of its own. One being that I have more lower level learners than last year. It has already shown to be a struggle. About half of my students don't do their homework on a regular basis. It seems that failure if acceptable. They don't read. I honestly don't even know if they listen. Do I stop giving homework and do everything in class? It will definitely be an interesting year.

On a happy note- and I mean really exciting! 97% of my student last year passed the end of course exam! Woo hoo! I was pumped! Praise God for their success!

On a sad note, we have less than a year left in West Lafayette if things go the way Chris plans. Graduate school is over this summer and from there we are hoping to move home. I am struggling with this. I have no desire to move again. I really love our town, our house, our church, our friends- I love life here. I know I will be happy anywhere but the thought of moving brings tears to my eyes. The hardest part is knowing that the chances of moving are high, but the chances of moving home are low. Which makes it harder. I know that God's plans are perfect and there is a bigger picture that Chris and I can't see- and we are both completely happy to follow his will in order to see all he has in store!

I think that's all. :)