Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Attica Turkey Trot

I have no doubt that a run on Thanksgiving morning will be a tradition with Chris and I. It was my first 5K, and I can't wait to do the next! This was a small, local race that benefited the Attica Food Pantry. It was fun to be able to give while doing something we enjoy!
Hailey, Chris, me, and Becky before the race

I love that my ponytail stands straight up when I run.

After the race.
My time was 28:30, and for not running much (two times) since the half marahon, I was pretty happy with it.


Here are a few pictures from our first "at home" Thanksgiving! We had a blast preparing for it, and more fun eating. We were able to start the morning with a 5K (pics to come) and then come home to cook and plan for Black Friday. We joined friends for dessert and then went to Hailey's house for a second meal!
Chris getting the turkey ready.

Table! My brother helping set the table.The boys helping...
Me and the hubbs!

All of the food in the oven.

Black Friday ads. I didn't get Hailey's list in the picture. She was ready!

Fighting for the wish bone.

Carving the turkey.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Christmas Wish List

Here it goes...

An Ipod Shuffle to use while running

A watch that has a heart rate monitor

Or I would gladly accept one that would track my run...

I would also like the new Taylor Swift CD. As well as the New Nicholas Sparks book, Safe Haven.

Oh, and a red Kitchen aid Mixer!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yummy bread

I wanted to share a recipe with all of you today! It's very good bread, and super easy. It was my first loaf ever and I plan to make it often. Here is the link to the blog I found the recipe at: http://www.thefrugalgirl.com/2009/03/wednesday-baking-cheap-cheap-breadfrench-bread/ I used white flour, but I plan on doing half wheat next time.

I recommend looking around the blog because it's awesome. She has some great ideas and recipes.

Update: My dad has an appointment for December 6 to get blood work done. Though this is an awfully long time to wait, I am grateful to have a day set. Thank you for your outpouring of love. Please continue to pray, especially for my mom, who isn't handling things as well as I thought.

Also, on a happier note, I ran for the first time since surgery. Even though the doc says to wait longer, I didn't. I have a 5K on Thursday and needed to get some miles in. It felt WONDERFUL! How I have missed it! :) I have been doing a Body Pump class three days a week, which rocks! If you have the option to take this class- you should!

And, guess what I had this morning.... That's right. A Starbucks Peppermint Mocha! Thanks to Becky for making a Starbucks run after our workout this morning!

These are the words I am determined to live by. I think I have been short with my students and Chris lately. I blame it on everything going on, but that isn't an excuse.

"When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything
she says." Proverbs 31:26

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My List Continued

13. My brothers- they are fun, funny, and really awesome guys. I miss them!

14. Healthy food options. After eating McDonalds for lunch today I feel disgusting. I am thankful I don't have to eat such greasy food all the time.

15. Hailey- she encourages me in EVERYTHING. And keeps me laughing.

16. Kohls- for their great deals and great selection!

17. The holidays- they are a time of family, food, and fun!

18. Having a job when so many don't.

19. Facebook- I don't think I need to explain.

I really could go on forever. Life is full of blessings any way you look at it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pictures from the Race

Monumental Marathon in Indianapolis, Indiana- November 6, 2010
The Wrights and Chris and Me
Right after the race... whith our foil warmers
Me finishing up

Before the Race

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful? At Thanksgiving? And a few additional thoughts.

"She thought about everything she wanted to say to God, and it always started with, Thank you."

This is my desk calender quote of the day. It got me thinking about how blessed I am and how often I forget to be thankful. I get so worked-up about school, grading, running, softball, and other things that tend to use a lot of my time. I focus on how busy I am. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I honestly don't think I have thought about giving thanks. I am too focused on whether I want to use my China or regular dishes. How will I do the place settings? Do I even want to have place settings? It's been a while since I stopped and thought about the blessings the Lord has showered on me. So here it is. My list of of blessings (in no particular order).

1. Chris- my husband is my best friend. He makes me smile and he makes me coffee. Two very important things. He also has taken care of me while I recover from a recent surgery. I am so blessed.

2. Sharon and Becky- these two ladies get me through the school day. They keep me positive and keep me sane. They also shop with me. :)

3. Katie and Casey- I don't know what I would do without my two best friends. They know me better than anyone (other than Chris, of course). I miss them terribly, but am thankful for the phone chats!

4. My momma- she loves me- unconditionally- which is hard. She also gives good advice. I should listen more often.

5. And I can't say my momma without mentioning my daddy. And yes, I call him daddy. I am just like him. Of course, I only hope I can be as giving as he is.

6. My job- I complain, but I love it.

7. My church family. For obvious reasons. :D

8. My dog, Dixie- she loves me. Even when I push her away because she is licking me too early in the morning, she always comes back for more. I wish I could love like her...

9. West Lafayette- yes, the whole town. I love it. I love the people, the atmosphere, and my life here. I love my life in general, but I really love living here. Being able to move has been a bigger blessing than I could have every imagined.

10. My health. As always. Especially as I hear of others my age who are suffering. I am blessed.

11. My faith and the people everyday who encourage it.

12. My new black boots. They're super cute. And I got them for 70% off.

13. My students, and all of the things they teach me.

14. Being able to run- even though the doctor has me resting for three weeks.

15. My Under Armour running Capri's. They are awesome.

16. Our Element.The box car. I love it.

* I started this post yesterday, with plans to add today. I wanted time to think about all I was thankful for. But I didn't add. It's the same as when I stopped writing yesterday.
After softball practice yesterday I called my mom as always. She informed me that my dad, who was recently diagnosed with diabetes, was being recommended for further testing. That didn't sound too bad. I mean, I have had further testing with different things. The more questions I asked, the more reality set in. This could be serious. Like this could be really, really serious. Or it could be nothing but diabetes (not that diabetes isn't serious itself, but compared to the options...). I didn't know what else to do but cry. And so I did. I don't think I have been that scared in a while. Once I got off the phone I just sat down on the couch. I didn't really know what to do. And then I asked the questions that I have so often answered for others: "Why is God doing this to my family? Why could this even be an option? My parents are good people. My dad doesn't deserve this." I have answered it before, but I couldn't answer it now. It was different. It was real. I began questioning God's motives. I tend to expect the worst and especially with this. Not that my dad has been diagnosed with anything- but just the fact that they're testing him for conditions so serious terrifies me.

On my way to school this morning I was thinking about my dad. I was thinking about how I would get through the next few weeks not knowing what's going on. And then I heard a song. I don't remember who it was by or what it was called, but it talked about the "God of perfect Peace." And I thought, "Duh. The God of perfect Peace. Why am I running from him now? Why am I irritated now? Why am I not running to him? Why am I not seeking his peace? The peace that passes all human understanding?" It hit me like a ton of bricks. I needed to have faith. I needed to be hopeful and stop expecting the worst. I needed God. I needed his peace.

And so here I am... trusting. Or trying to. And so I reflect on my thankfulness of yesterday, and I realize that maybe I am not thankful enough for the PEOPLE in my life. Black boots? Seriously. I mean I do really like them, but why am I not focusing on those things that cannot be replaced. And place settings? What is happening to me? Why am I not more thankful for the people who have made me and continue to make me who I am? I focus on material things so much. I want this and I want that. And in the end- who cares? These "things" mean nothing when it comes down to it. They are pointless.

I pray for all of you, my 11 readers, that this Thanksgiving and throughout the holiday season, are able to see the beauty in your life. That you are able to see and appreciate the people that God has blessed you with. And that your families are healthy and happy.

I also ask for your prayers for my dad's health. That the tests are able to be done quickly and results are made known. Pray that whatever the results say, treatment can begin and health restored. That God would provide my family with peace and comfort knowing that he is in control. That his plans are perfect.

Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension (understanding), will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Ephesians 5:4 "Remind each other of God's goodness and be thankful."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I am very excited about being able to host my first Thanksgiving dinner this year. I have been thinking about all of the foods that I want to serve, and of course Chris keeps reminding me that there will only be four of us there and I can't serve EVERYTHING I was use to having. Nonetheless, we will be having a feast, and I am sure there will be many leftovers. I mean it is Thanksgiving; there are certain things that must be served. :D

First, Turkey. Of course- though my husband would prefer something else. We got a brine to soak the turkey in from Trader Joes. It should be pretty yummy! This will be the first turkey Chris and I will make!

Second, Creamy Corn Casserole! Yum! http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Awesome-and-Easy-Creamy-Corn-Casserole/Detail.aspx

Next up, the traditional Green Bean Casserole! I use the recipe on the back of the dried onion (I think that's what it's called...).

And my favorite is Cranberry sauce! http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Cranberry-Sauce/Detail.aspx

For the hubby we will have mashed potatoes. Sadly, the potatoes will be a new experience for me. We have pretty much switched to sweet potatoes so I haven't had the opportunity to make mashed potatoes yet! (Mashed sweet potatoes reminds me of baby food, so I refuse to make them). We decided to leave out the sweet potatoe casserole even though it is one of my favorites!

And of course Gravy. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Easy-Turkey-Gravy/Detail.aspx

My second favorite dish on the menu is dressing. What's thanksgiving without dressing! Love it!http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Mommas-Cornbread-Dressing/Detail.aspx

My friend Hailey will be making yummy bread. She makes awesome bread, so I am super excited!

We are having dessert at a friends house so I don't have to worry about making pies!

And the best part of all is that my younger brother will be joining us! Yay! He is flying in on Monday and I can't wait to see him! :)

I am in the process of trying to figure out place settings and such. Once I do I will post them!

What are some of your Thanksgiving favorites?

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I am very pleased to announce that I have completed my first half marathon! Woo hoo! And it was fantastic!

The Friday before the race it started snowing. It was freezing. And it was windy. All great weather conditions to run 13.1 miles in, right? :)

Saturday morning ended up being 31 degrees, which was surprisingly better than the 24 that was predicted. The race was fun. I didn't even have to use my IPOD. They had bands playing, and I was nosey and listened in on other people's conversations to keep myself entertained. By doing this, I found out I was running with Larry Macon- a marathon maniac. He completed over 100 marathons in a year. Crazy!

I finished in 2.10:16- which was 20 minutes under my goal, and one hour under the time I estimated I would finish in on the application. Chris finished in 1.57.56-I think..... which is awesome!

It turned out to be an awesome journey. I am so grateful for a God who gives me the perseverance and determination to finish something I never thought I could. I am also grateful for such encouraging people who pushed me through!

We have signed up for the next one in April! :) And a 5K next week. I think I may be addicted.

Here is a link to the one in April: http://www.nwicrossroads.com/

I will post pics soon!