Friday, March 19, 2010

So I changed the title...

I have been thinking about changing the title of my blog for a while now. First reason being that Chris never writes- and quite frankly- he never will. I should stop wishing. Secondly, my posts are about teaching more than anything else, so I needed something more broad. And last, but certainly not least, I wanted something more original for a title. So this is me being original.

The title references my status as a traveling teacher. Maybe one day I will take a picture of my precious cart.

Last day before spring break equals an absolutely hectic day. I blame all of the male coaches who chose to watch March Madness in their classes rather than teach as they are paid to do. If one more student asks if we are doing anything, I am slapping an essay prompt on their desk. And spring break homework. Ha!

I also had horrible bags under my eyes this morning. I am too young for this.

1 comment:

Christian and Alysia Perry said...

I love the quote at the top of your page!! Hope your first day back from break went well.