Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer break already?

Well, it's the last day of school, which means summer break! Woohoo! This year has been, well, a roller coaster. I have loved and hated it. I even doubted that I was cut out for it. But now, after my first full year, I would honestly recommend it to everyone. It is the best job out there. Stressful, frustrating, and sometimes downright awful- but awesome. I have met some of the most awesome kids and I can't wait to see where life takes them! I was a little sad today. I really will miss my kiddos. All 120 of them. Okay, maybe not ALL of them, but most. I have become quite fond of them. Throughout the school year I learned so many things about myself. Here are a few:
  • I need to laugh at least once every hour to have a great day.
  • I am not that patient.
  • I have no self- confidence when it comes to teaching.
  • I am able to adapt to all sorts of things.
  • My talent is literature- not grammar.
  • I don't encourage kids enough.
  • I work too much. I need to learn how to take a break without feeling guilty.
  • Staying out of the teacher's lounge is not always a good idea. It's nice to work with people I can call friends,
  • Eating in the teacher's lounge is not always a good idea. Negative teachers tend to bring me down at times.
  • I can't do everything. I need to delegate.
  • I am not as organized as I thought. :)
  • I wouldn't make it to school on time without my sweet husband helping to get all my stuff together.
I really could go on forever. I have never learned so much on one year. It was my first year of teaching, coaching, being a wife, and living ten hours from home. I have so much to say about coaching too, but that will come another day.
Now for the summer! I plan on learning how to sew. I know, weird. Coming from me at least. But I really would like to be able to hem my own pants, make my own curtains- ya' know- the important things in life. I already made a super cute wreath that I will post pics of next week. I need to finish my scrapbooks. I am about a year behind. I would love to read tons of books, too!

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