Thursday, August 12, 2010

Surgery and Running

Ok so, scratch the Purdue Half marathon. Apparently the planner didn't talk to the city about having the half, and the city does not like it when people go behind it's back. Oh, and the planner didn't even ask if he could use Purdue's name. Ridiculous. So that means we can't run that half because it will most likely not happen, but we have found another one that I am even more excited about because it's flatter and a few weeks later (November 6). Here it is: It will take place in Indianapolis which means we will be able to stay the weekend! It also supports the American Cancer Society.

I reached five miles the other day, and have my six miles on Saturday. Everything is going great and I am actually enjoying my runs a little more. Hopefully this will continue! :D We have about 3 more weeks to train than we did, so it's nice to be able to take a little more time.

I just got back from a trip home for a wedding and a wedding shower! My best friend Katie gets married in a little under 8 weeks! Woo hoo! It was the first shower I have hosted, and though at times I got frustrated, I think it went great! Katie got lots of good stuff and it was great meeting some of her new friends.

Yesterday I had a minor surgery on my ears. The doctors took out my 12 year old tubes and filled the holes in my eardrum with fat from my ear lobes, which I think is totally cool! It was my first IV to ever have and my first surgery that I remember. Everything went great. I am only in minor pain, but luckily the doctors gave me pain pills to help with that. Maybe this will help with the 5 ear infections I had in the period of about 8 months. Chances are we will have to put my tubes back in, but this surgery will let my eardrums heal and the next tubes will work better.

That's all.

Have a blessed day!

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