Sunday, July 24, 2011


Chris and I are enjoying our last night of a week long vacation in Boston. Of course, I am feeling social media deprived, so I am catching up.

We have absolutely LOVED Boston and I can't wait to share photos; however, there's one thing I have noticed that I don't like. It's not something that only happens in Boston. I have noticed it before. I think I just needed a "big city" to really see it. I am tired of the obsession with "stuff". More importantly, I am tired of my obsession.

Our country is not doing too well when it comes to our financial situation. The nationalal debt increases all the time. The average family has $8,000 of credit card debt, according to This of course doesn't include student loans, mortgage, car loans, etc. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in June of this year was 9.2%.  And yet, our malls are packed. People shop ALL THE TIME. Designer jeans and purses seem to be a "must have" by consumers. It's no problem to drop $100 on a pair of shoes.

And, why? because they're "comfortable" and "fit better than others". Or my most used, "They'll last forever."

Lies. I know this because I use them. The fit thing- I get. I agree. But no- they won't last forever (usually). Why? Because you will get tired of them, or spill something, or gain/ loose weight. Most of my clothes don't last too long at my house- even if they were made well. So why do I feel the need to buy new things often?

For me: I love to shop. I like to have new things. I like the feeling of wearing a new outfit for the first time. I love to shop. Clothes make me feel good about myself- a little confidence boost.

So again- why? I don't need most of the things I buy (truly need, not just need- you know the difference).  I have plenty of clothes. I am confident-ish. I have plenty of things to wear. In fact, I need to get rid of tons of stuff.

Let me be clear- I don't spend tons of money on clothes. The most I have paid for a pair of jeans was 40 bucks. I go to the sale rack at stores. I buy second hand. My purses come from Kohls (1/2 off). I do spend money on shoes- but they're practical. Not just cute. I am cheap.

But still, I don't need this stuff. It's just adding to my collection of stuff. But I love stuff. But I don't need it. I really don't. Stuff complicates life.

So, in conclusion to my rant, I have an idea. And it's only an idea right now. Not my original because apparently people around the country are doing it. In fact look here:
There's lots of other information too. Much of which I have not read, because I don't plan to do everything they do. But I am considering not buying clothes/ shoes new- and really only used when I actually do need something. And this need will be decided with the help of my Idon'tliketobuyanything husband.

I haven't decided yet, but I am seriously considering it. Any takers?

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