Monday, August 1, 2011

Marathon Training: Weeks 9 and 10

I will go ahead and say week 9 was cancelled. We were in Boston on vacation and had high hopes to run, but we didn't. We ran 11 miles total for the week and probably walked 45. Needless to say we were tired, and traffic was craziness, so we took a vacation from running. It was fabulous. Though I felt very lazy.

On that note, week 10 sucked. Seriously. Worst running week ever. The schedule was 4,7,4,11. The fours were okay, not easy, but ok. The 7 was hard. I even walked once during which is not like me. But it was the 11 that had me almost in tears when I got home. I stopped every two miles- not because I was hurting, but because I wanted to! I know. I suck.

It took me a long frickin' time to run/ walk those 11 miles, when two weeks ago I ran 15 no problem.
Hopefully I am still recovering from vacation. Good news is it can only go up.

I did know this week would come. The week I hated training and honestly regretted my decision to run the marathon. Hopefully next week I will look like this when I run:

And not like this:

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