Monday, August 31, 2009

Tales from the Cart

It's almost been three weeks now, since I began my teaching career... from a cart. Not a shopping cart, but a nice little, 3 shelved cart that allows me to travel from room to room with all of my 'crap'. And if you know me, you know I always carry a lot of crap. In order to be prepared for everything. Not a day goes by that I don't forget something in my office at least once, resulting in me sending a student to fetch my belongings. And the inevitable question, "Mrs. Middaugh, why aren't you prepared?" I in-turn always respond with something sarcastic, which shouldn't be surprising. The Mrs. Middaugh thing, by the way, is still not normal for me. It sometimes takes a students saying it 3 or 4 times before I respond. You would think I would be used to it, considering I hear it at least 100 times a day- especially on days students are working independently. Any who, back to the cart, I never leave my office without a package of 'Wet Ones' so that I can wipe the chalk off my hands before wiping it all over my clothes; since the school I'm at doesn't believe in white boards. Which is totally fine- just different. After today, I will be adding a 'Tide' pen to my cart because of a coffee and white shirt accident first period. I lose at least one pen a day, leaving that pen to the teacher who's classroom I borrow for one hour each day. Chalk is lost daily as well, but I don't have to buy my chalk; however, a chalk pen/ holder is on my teaching wish list.... maybe that will help. Teaching is great. Some days are better than others, but that's with any job. I have great students! They continually make me laugh. Sometimes I feel like I am barely scraping by- but hey, I'm making it!

Aside from school, Chris and I survived the record breaking low temperature for August 31. The low reached 42 degrees... I froze. And turned on my heater. The teachers laughed at me. That's Christmas weather in Arkansas. Not August. That's nuts.

We also finished painting the office- it has been taken over with fish. It looks good, even with the fish. :)

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