Monday, March 21, 2011


It has been a whirlwind of a week. Chris was gone last Monday through Wednesday. The Middaugh's were here for a visit Wednesday through Saturday. And Casey and Tyler got here Saturday and will be leaving in the morning. We spent yesterday in Chicago and today we will be in Indy.

I'm pooped.

And most importantly, I have eaten horribly since Wednesday, and I hate it. I am ready to be back on my some-what-healthy eating plan. And running. But there's more to the not running than just having company. I hurt my knee, and am trying to let it heal before the race, which is in two weeks. I am just ready to be back to normal and enjoy a few days of silence and grading papers.

So, here's our backtonormal menu plan beginning tomorrow evening:

Tuesday: Spinach Pasta, bread salad
Wednesday: I will be helping with dinner at Redeemer, so we will be eating there.
Thursday: "Clean out the fridge day!"
Friday: Garlic Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, Salad
Saturday: French Toast and Eggs
Sunday: Spinach Quiche

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