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Tales from the Cart
"She started her day with a simple prayer, 'Lord, lead the way.' Then she stepped out the door with a heart full of courage."
Friday, August 5, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Marathon Training: Week 11
This week is going to be good. I can feel it.
Monday- Run 4 (it went very well) :)
Wednesday- 8
Saturday-17 (OMG)
It's gonna be good. Really. It is.
Monday- Run 4 (it went very well) :)
Wednesday- 8
Saturday-17 (OMG)
It's gonna be good. Really. It is.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Marathon Training: Weeks 9 and 10
I will go ahead and say week 9 was cancelled. We were in Boston on vacation and had high hopes to run, but we didn't. We ran 11 miles total for the week and probably walked 45. Needless to say we were tired, and traffic was craziness, so we took a vacation from running. It was fabulous. Though I felt very lazy.
On that note, week 10 sucked. Seriously. Worst running week ever. The schedule was 4,7,4,11. The fours were okay, not easy, but ok. The 7 was hard. I even walked once during which is not like me. But it was the 11 that had me almost in tears when I got home. I stopped every two miles- not because I was hurting, but because I wanted to! I know. I suck.
It took me a long frickin' time to run/ walk those 11 miles, when two weeks ago I ran 15 no problem.
Hopefully I am still recovering from vacation. Good news is it can only go up.
I did know this week would come. The week I hated training and honestly regretted my decision to run the marathon. Hopefully next week I will look like this when I run:
On that note, week 10 sucked. Seriously. Worst running week ever. The schedule was 4,7,4,11. The fours were okay, not easy, but ok. The 7 was hard. I even walked once during which is not like me. But it was the 11 that had me almost in tears when I got home. I stopped every two miles- not because I was hurting, but because I wanted to! I know. I suck.
It took me a long frickin' time to run/ walk those 11 miles, when two weeks ago I ran 15 no problem.
Hopefully I am still recovering from vacation. Good news is it can only go up.
I did know this week would come. The week I hated training and honestly regretted my decision to run the marathon. Hopefully next week I will look like this when I run:
And not like this:
I finally finished the Hunger Games series. It is definitely my new favorite. I recommend it to everyone- boys, girls, young, old. I think that's one of the amazing things about these books- they can be enjoyed by everyone. Read it. Seriously.
One thing I really love are the character's. Collins does such an amazing job of describing them and especially their relationships with each other. The reader gets the love story (thought many people did not like the end), battles, themes. Ya' know- the good stuff. It's easy to read but not a waste of time type book.
I could talk all day about it. But I won't. I need to read Frankenstein for class.
Favorite quotes:
"But collective thinking is usually short lived. We're fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction" Page 379
"What I needed is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again." Page 388
"I'll tell them how I survive it. I'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could be taken away. That's when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I've seen someone do. It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play." Page 390
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Here Goes Nothing: A Year Without Clothes
Not exactly "without clothes". I just thought it sounded better.
I have decided to go ONE whole year without buying any new clothes. The Rules:
1) I am starting a new school, so I can buy school attire (t-shirts, polos) etc. I cannot go overboard because I get buy happy. Maybe 1 general shirt and then depending on if I coach/ sponsor anything, I will buy what is needed.
2) If I lose weight, I can buy clothes I need to replace what no longer fits. I will try to buy used first.
3) If I desperately am in need of something (and even my uber cheap husband thinks so) I may buy it. Unfortunately I don't think this will happen. Chris informed me that "need" means I have no more shoes, jeans, shirts, etc. Considering I have multiple of each, I think I'm set.
4) We run our first marathon in October. This is a big deal. If the shirt we get is ugly, and they have other options for sale, I may buy something.
5) If we move somewhere with a totally different climate, I can buy what I need.
6) I can buy used clothing- but only if I need it. Not the desperate "Chris has to approve" need, but not buying things because I can.
7) Gloves/ Hats for winter don't count. Why? because I need (and yes, need is a great word to use here) new gloves. Mine have holes.
8) I think that's it for rules/ exceptions. Oh! If I get a gift card as a gift I can buy new.
Reasons to do this:
I have decided to go ONE whole year without buying any new clothes. The Rules:
1) I am starting a new school, so I can buy school attire (t-shirts, polos) etc. I cannot go overboard because I get buy happy. Maybe 1 general shirt and then depending on if I coach/ sponsor anything, I will buy what is needed.
2) If I lose weight, I can buy clothes I need to replace what no longer fits. I will try to buy used first.
3) If I desperately am in need of something (and even my uber cheap husband thinks so) I may buy it. Unfortunately I don't think this will happen. Chris informed me that "need" means I have no more shoes, jeans, shirts, etc. Considering I have multiple of each, I think I'm set.
4) We run our first marathon in October. This is a big deal. If the shirt we get is ugly, and they have other options for sale, I may buy something.
5) If we move somewhere with a totally different climate, I can buy what I need.
6) I can buy used clothing- but only if I need it. Not the desperate "Chris has to approve" need, but not buying things because I can.
7) Gloves/ Hats for winter don't count. Why? because I need (and yes, need is a great word to use here) new gloves. Mine have holes.
8) I think that's it for rules/ exceptions. Oh! If I get a gift card as a gift I can buy new.
Reasons to do this:
- I have too many clothing items. I really do. Some would say I don't have that much, and compared to many, I probably don't, but I still don't need all I have.
- I want to push myself. I like a good challenge.
- I really like a good challenge when people don't think I can do it. :)
- I am wasting money buy buying things that I don't need.
- It's kind of dumb to buy new when there are so many old pieces floating around.
The Help

I bought this book a while back, but it kept getting pushed to the bottom of the pile. A few people borrowed it and read it before I had time. But finally, I was able to finish it.
It was fabulous. I loved the dialect, the organization, and the depiction of the historical setting. Stockett did a great job! The plot kept me intrigued and the pages a flippin'. I loved the characters that narrated the story and the different point of views the story was told through. The relationship between the characters was impressive too. Stockett illustrated the tension filled friendship between the narrators in a way that made the reader understand the tension of the time and the struggles even those who looked past color had to face. And of course, what the story was trying to show, I was mesmerized by the relationship between whites and their help. It showed me just how horrible things were at that time. I had never heard it described that way.
What I didn't love was the ending. And for that, you will have to read it yourself. You should do that soon too; so, you can see the movie. :)
My favorite quote from the book: "Wasn't that the point of the book? For women to realize, We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I'd thought."
And one more: "All I'm saying is, kindness don't have no boundaries."
Monday, July 25, 2011
June Books

I actually listened to this book on tape while I ran (which is my new favorite thing).
Overall, I really enjoyed it. Its overall message is that everything we do has an affect on someone- good or bad. Ultimately, how we treat others can profoundly influence his life. It reminded me a little of "Hate List"- the meaning, not the plot. Great book. I recommend it. Not my favorite.
Here's a short synopsis of the novel: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1217100.Thirteen_Reasons_Why
BTW- this book is going to be a movie at some point. I believe it is going to star Selena Gomez as the lead.

My first running book. And one of the few non fiction books I have read (I am forcing my students to read one as their summer reading so I figured I should too).
I love it! It's funny, well written, and extremely intriguing- even if you don't run. It made me rethink all the running clothes, shoes, socks, etc that I spend too much money on. Maybe the barefoot running thing works? But I am too much of a whiner to figure it out. :)
Here is the link to a review (other people do a much better job than me): http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/19/AR2009061901078.html
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Chris and I are enjoying our last night of a week long vacation in Boston. Of course, I am feeling social media deprived, so I am catching up.
We have absolutely LOVED Boston and I can't wait to share photos; however, there's one thing I have noticed that I don't like. It's not something that only happens in Boston. I have noticed it before. I think I just needed a "big city" to really see it. I am tired of the obsession with "stuff". More importantly, I am tired of my obsession.
Our country is not doing too well when it comes to our financial situation. The nationalal debt increases all the time. The average family has $8,000 of credit card debt, according to DaveRamsey.com. This of course doesn't include student loans, mortgage, car loans, etc. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in June of this year was 9.2%. And yet, our malls are packed. People shop ALL THE TIME. Designer jeans and purses seem to be a "must have" by consumers. It's no problem to drop $100 on a pair of shoes.
And, why? because they're "comfortable" and "fit better than others". Or my most used, "They'll last forever."
Lies. I know this because I use them. The fit thing- I get. I agree. But no- they won't last forever (usually). Why? Because you will get tired of them, or spill something, or gain/ loose weight. Most of my clothes don't last too long at my house- even if they were made well. So why do I feel the need to buy new things often?
For me: I love to shop. I like to have new things. I like the feeling of wearing a new outfit for the first time. I love to shop. Clothes make me feel good about myself- a little confidence boost.
So again- why? I don't need most of the things I buy (truly need, not just need- you know the difference). I have plenty of clothes. I am confident-ish. I have plenty of things to wear. In fact, I need to get rid of tons of stuff.
Let me be clear- I don't spend tons of money on clothes. The most I have paid for a pair of jeans was 40 bucks. I go to the sale rack at stores. I buy second hand. My purses come from Kohls (1/2 off). I do spend money on shoes- but they're practical. Not just cute. I am cheap.
But still, I don't need this stuff. It's just adding to my collection of stuff. But I love stuff. But I don't need it. I really don't. Stuff complicates life.
So, in conclusion to my rant, I have an idea. And it's only an idea right now. Not my original because apparently people around the country are doing it. In fact look here: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/527947/the_compact_movement_asks_can_you_go.html
There's lots of other information too. Much of which I have not read, because I don't plan to do everything they do. But I am considering not buying clothes/ shoes new- and really only used when I actually do need something. And this need will be decided with the help of my Idon'tliketobuyanything husband.
I haven't decided yet, but I am seriously considering it. Any takers?
We have absolutely LOVED Boston and I can't wait to share photos; however, there's one thing I have noticed that I don't like. It's not something that only happens in Boston. I have noticed it before. I think I just needed a "big city" to really see it. I am tired of the obsession with "stuff". More importantly, I am tired of my obsession.
Our country is not doing too well when it comes to our financial situation. The nationalal debt increases all the time. The average family has $8,000 of credit card debt, according to DaveRamsey.com. This of course doesn't include student loans, mortgage, car loans, etc. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in June of this year was 9.2%. And yet, our malls are packed. People shop ALL THE TIME. Designer jeans and purses seem to be a "must have" by consumers. It's no problem to drop $100 on a pair of shoes.
And, why? because they're "comfortable" and "fit better than others". Or my most used, "They'll last forever."
Lies. I know this because I use them. The fit thing- I get. I agree. But no- they won't last forever (usually). Why? Because you will get tired of them, or spill something, or gain/ loose weight. Most of my clothes don't last too long at my house- even if they were made well. So why do I feel the need to buy new things often?
For me: I love to shop. I like to have new things. I like the feeling of wearing a new outfit for the first time. I love to shop. Clothes make me feel good about myself- a little confidence boost.
So again- why? I don't need most of the things I buy (truly need, not just need- you know the difference). I have plenty of clothes. I am confident-ish. I have plenty of things to wear. In fact, I need to get rid of tons of stuff.
Let me be clear- I don't spend tons of money on clothes. The most I have paid for a pair of jeans was 40 bucks. I go to the sale rack at stores. I buy second hand. My purses come from Kohls (1/2 off). I do spend money on shoes- but they're practical. Not just cute. I am cheap.
But still, I don't need this stuff. It's just adding to my collection of stuff. But I love stuff. But I don't need it. I really don't. Stuff complicates life.
So, in conclusion to my rant, I have an idea. And it's only an idea right now. Not my original because apparently people around the country are doing it. In fact look here: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/527947/the_compact_movement_asks_can_you_go.html
There's lots of other information too. Much of which I have not read, because I don't plan to do everything they do. But I am considering not buying clothes/ shoes new- and really only used when I actually do need something. And this need will be decided with the help of my Idon'tliketobuyanything husband.
I haven't decided yet, but I am seriously considering it. Any takers?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Marathon Training: Week 8
We did 14 miles! Yay! And it actually wasn't bad-at-all. partly because I decided to listen to a book rather than music and it totally made me lose track of time. We were also lucky enough to enjoy a downtown run in Chicago.
This week brings on another "longest run yet" for Chris and I. Fifteen miles!
Monday- Rest
Tuesday- 4 Miles
Wednesday- 7 Miles
Thursday- Rest
Friday- 4 Miles
Saturday- Walk
Sunday- 15 Miles :)
This week brings on another "longest run yet" for Chris and I. Fifteen miles!
Monday- Rest
Tuesday- 4 Miles
Wednesday- 7 Miles
Thursday- Rest
Friday- 4 Miles
Saturday- Walk
Sunday- 15 Miles :)
Friday, July 8, 2011
A Few Classics
I received a stack of about 10 books that I would be teaching this school year, so I have been slowly, and I mean slowly, working my way through them.
The first one is the ever popular "To Kill a Mockingbird"
The first one is the ever popular "To Kill a Mockingbird"

I read part of this book in college but never got interested, so I didn't finish it. I used Spark Notes for the test.... judge if you wish. I'm not ashamed.
I enjoyed it much more the second time around and can't wait to teach it! So many great quotes to be discussed. A couple of my favorite are:
"They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."
"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."
The second book is "Of Mice and Men"

I am not a huge fan. Definitely will be great for teaching imagery, so that's what will be done. And maybe a good Euthanasia debate to spice things up?
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