I actually listened to this book on tape while I ran (which is my new favorite thing).
Overall, I really enjoyed it. Its overall message is that everything we do has an affect on someone- good or bad. Ultimately, how we treat others can profoundly influence his life. It reminded me a little of "Hate List"- the meaning, not the plot. Great book. I recommend it. Not my favorite.
Here's a short synopsis of the novel: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1217100.Thirteen_Reasons_Why
BTW- this book is going to be a movie at some point. I believe it is going to star Selena Gomez as the lead.

My first running book. And one of the few non fiction books I have read (I am forcing my students to read one as their summer reading so I figured I should too).
I love it! It's funny, well written, and extremely intriguing- even if you don't run. It made me rethink all the running clothes, shoes, socks, etc that I spend too much money on. Maybe the barefoot running thing works? But I am too much of a whiner to figure it out. :)
Here is the link to a review (other people do a much better job than me): http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/19/AR2009061901078.html
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