Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday: Goals

It's Monday morning, and I got up early to go to Pump class. But unfortunately the door is frozen shut and I need Chris to open it. So, instead of working out, I decided to make my Goal List of the week. I thought about doing this a while ago but never got around to it. I am planning on doing this at the beging of each week and hoping that if I put it on my blog I will do it....

1. Go to body pump 2 days (obviously 3 is out)
2. Run a total of 12 miles (not quite training for the second half yet...)
3. Do my quiet time at least 5 days this week
4. Finish 3rd period Short Stories
5. Track my calories (don't judge. It keeps me from eating a ridiculous amount.)

That's it.

Have a great Monday!

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